How to Become a Confident Public Speaker #BacktoSchool

Being a good public speaker is all about preparation and practice.

The ability to speak in public is a great skill to possess, because whatever career you choose you are very likely to need to be able to do it. 

For example; you may need to speak at a conference, speak in person or online in a team or client meeting, you might need to give an award acceptance speech, an interview presentation may be requested, or perhaps you will train a virtual team. 

The biggest thing that holds many people back is their nerves, but it is easy to learn how to overcome these with expert tips and tricks. 

The OpenClassrooms’ course, Speak in Public, will teach you how to prepare your content, voice, and body, in order to make you proficient and feel completely confident when speaking in a variety of different scenarios. This course is woven into a number of our career programs as it is a fundamental skill for all professionals.

In this article, let’s peek into the course, and learn how to master those non-verbal skills:

Master your body language while speaking in public

When you can master your body language you will be someone who speaks with charisma. 

There are 3 central features to concentrate and work on to achieve this:

Centering (or posture)

The ideal position will have your legs a little wider than hip-width apart, while remaining supple, with your knees unlocked. Keep your back and head straight drawn towards the sky as if an invisible thread is drawing you upwards. That way you won’t slouch. 

This may feel unnatural, but will give you more stability, solidity, and a feeling of power.

Being centered does not mean staying still. Your legs are planted, but you can move and make gestures with your arms to accompany your words. 


Good body language is:

Open – makes gestures towards other people, the palms of your hands face upwards, towards the audience. Your arms make full, rounded gestures, not closed ones

Supple – take up some space, spread your arms a few centimeters. Use your arms to make a point come alive, to illustrate it.

Precise – Suit your range of motion to the size of the room and your audience. Your hands should express what you are saying with your mouth. Avoid distracting gestures, like clicking a pen, and make occasional gestures that embody key moments of your talk.

Facial expressions

It is tricky when you are nervous, but it is important to genuinely smile with your mouth, and with your eyes.

Connect with your audience by making eye contact with them – sweep your gaze across the room (from left to right and up and down if the room is large) resting on several points/people as you do so. 

Want to learn more about public speaking?

Here is the introduction to the free OpenClassrooms course, Speak in Public:


Go to the Course Now

About OpenClassrooms 

OpenClassrooms is a global online education-to-employment platform, designed to teach people the skills they need for the most in-demand jobs. 

We provide programs in areas such as web and mobile development, data analysis, design, project management and digital product management, career coaching and more.

All the courses that make up our programs can be accessed freely online.

Our associate’s-, bachelor’s- and masters-level diploma programs are conducted fully online through a mix of videos, online reading, and projects a student would realistically face in a future role. Programs take an average of 6 to 18 months to complete.

To augment the online learning experience, students that sign up for a diploma program are paired with experienced professionals in their field that serve as a dedicated mentor. Mentors help with their coursework and career coaches help them find a job.

Book a call with one of our student advisors to learn more.


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