Which Coding Languages Should I Learn First? #BacktoSchool

If you have been thinking about getting into coding, or want to build your own simple web page, then it’s simply a matter of learning the language! 

HTML and CSS are great entry points to the world of code as they are behind every site on the entire web. These are the 2 languages you need to structure text, images, and so much more. 

With no programming experience necessary, the OpenClassrooms’ course, Build your first web pages with HTML and CSS, will teach you these languages step-by-step. This course appears in a number of our career programs including our Front-end, Back-end and Full-stack development programs.

In this article, let’s take a look at what HTML and CSS actually are. Then you are ready to start the course and learn how to use them!

What are HTML and CSS?

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the tool that will allow you to build webpages; and 

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is what you use to make them look the way you want them to.

This is exactly where to start if you want to begin to learn programming. But let’s make these explanations a little more clear:

Imagine a web page. 

On it, you have the content (headlines, written content, images) and its appearance (a certain font and characteristic style). 

HTML is the language that handles the first concern: creating structured content to tell a story.

CSS covers the second concern: customizing the appearance of that content to visually bring it to life.

Writing these two languages separately makes it much easier just to focus on content or appearance without worrying about both at the same time. 

For example, let’s say OpenClassrooms were to entirely overhaul its brand colors and design. This would only require adapting the CSS, meaning the appearance of the site. The content (like courses) could be left alone, unchanged.

Just by understanding this basic distinction means that you can dive right in, even though you haven’t even touched on the syntax of HTML and CSS yet! 

At the end of the very first chapter of the OpenClassrooms course, you will write your first lines of code within the coding application. Doing this means you will practically and immediately understand the relationship between content (HTML) and its appearance (CSS). 

Ready to try writing your own code? 

 Here is the introduction to the freely accessible OpenClassrooms course, Build your first web pages with HTML and CSS



Go to the Course Now!

About OpenClassrooms 

OpenClassrooms is a global online education-to-employment platform, designed to teach people the skills they need for the most in-demand jobs. 

We provide programs in areas such as web and mobile development, data analysis, design, project management and digital product management, career coaching and more.

All the courses that make up our programs can be accessed freely online.

Our associate’s-, bachelor’s- and masters-level diploma programs are conducted fully online through a mix of videos, online reading, and projects a student would realistically face in a future role. Programs take an average of 6 to 18 months to complete.

To augment the online learning experience, students that sign up for a diploma program are paired with experienced professionals in their field that serve as a dedicated mentor. Mentors help with their coursework and career coaches help them find a job.

If you would like to inquire about one of our paid, career programs in web or mobile development (or any of the OpenClassrooms Programs) book a call with one of our student advisors to learn more.

2 Comment
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    1. Hey Timo! Thanks for leaving this comment. We are so happy to know OpenClassrooms has helped you along in your journey.

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