OpenClassrooms invites you to our new offices – with a caveat!

For many of us around the world, we are trying out new, non-traditional workspaces. Whether they are our own homes or those of relatives or friends, they have become our makeshift #OfficeOfTheDay for the next few weeks.

Of course, this invitation is a digital one…Come see some of our home workspaces below!


While there are advantages to mandatory remote working such as reduced risk of contamination, saving time, increased freedom in time management, there are drawbacks too. Working remotely requires personal discipline, and it can sometimes lead to a feeling of loneliness.

This exceptional situation means many of us will work remotely for two to three weeks, or more. We have already shared our advice on how to be effective when working from home. In that guide, our first recommendation invites you to set up a comfortable workspace. However, we quickly saw at OpenClassrooms that in reality none of us worked the same way, for several reasons:

  • depending on whether you live in an apartment or a house, you don’t have the same amount of space. If some already has a home desk, others improvise, and it is not surprising to see in our videoconference exchanges sofas, coffee tables, beds or other surprising furniture as desks!
  • being confined at home does not necessarily mean tranquility! Those who have children, dogs, cats (or all three at the same time) can testify to this. Your days can in some cases be more hectic at home than at the office.
  • The exterior environment also plays a role, and if those residing in the most urban spaces must adhere to a strict regimes regarding outings, others who are in the countryside or by the sea can more easily get out for air (without meeting anyone, of course ).

These changes also lead to a loss of regular social interactions that going in to the office provides. Coffee breaks with co-workers or even bumping into colleagues in the elevator becomes something to miss. These moments punctuate our days and also allow us to exchange informally on a daily basis about work and personal life.

To bring a bit of fun, we decided to launch the following initiatives:

  • We have encouraged the entire OpenClassrooms team to reach out to each other whether they be colleagues on the same team, others from throughout the wider company or even external partners. We suggest they inquire about their physical and mental wellbeing – making sure people know they are cared for. 
  • We have organized remote events. For example, this Friday, most of us will have our first “afterwork drinks” by videoconference with our teams. 
  • We promote informal chats via a Slack channel or WhatsApp where colleagues can share their tips and triumphs, and to commiserate, too.  These informal exchanges including shared photos and memes provide some good comic relief too. 

So what about you? How are you organizing your new #OfficeOfTheDay? Share your experiences and suggestions by commenting on this post, and share photos of your #OfficeOfTheDay using the hashtag and tagging our Instagram account, @OpenClassrooms. 

Among those who participate, a winner will be chosen each week and they’ll receive an OpenClassrooms work kit. 🙂

Read more

Your Guide to Working from Home

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